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Minor in Quechua

About this Degree

In Fall 2021, the existing Quechua Language courses transformed into LACSI's newest Minor program, and is one of the only opportunities to minor in Quechua in the United States.

Quechua is the Indigenous language with the most speakers across the Americas, with some estimates suggesting between 8 and 10 million speakers around the Andean region. This region includes Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador, but also stretches into Argentina, Chile, and Colombia.


Classes taken for the Quechua minor can also count towards coursework for the LACS major and minor.

Quechua 1001: Elementary Quechua Language and Culture

This course is an introduction to the Quechua language and an overview of the Andean region. We will identify the ways in which Andean culture, shaped by 10 million Quechua speakers, distinguishes itself from surrounding Hispanic culture in South America. Students will learn to apply fundamental rules of pronunciation and grammar in a contextualized and holistic framework encompassing the social, historical, and musical landscape of the Andean highlands, specifically present-day Peru. This course will be taught in English and Quechua with instructional materials also in English or Quechua. While a knowledge of Spanish is useful due to the language contact situation between Quechua and Spanish in the Andean region, it is not necessary for the successful completion of this course.

Quechua 1002: Elementary Quechua Language and Culture II

Continuation of Elementary Quechua Language and Culture. Introduction of grammatical and cultural topics that further knowledge in conversation, grammar, pronunciation, and the rich and diverse culture of the Andean highlands through historical and anthropological perspectives. Conducted in English and Quechua; instructional materials also in English and Quechua.

Course Prerequisite: QUEC 1001 or equivalent

Quechua 2001: Intermediate Quechua Language and Culture I

A continuation of Elementary Quechua Language and Culture II focusing on students’ listening, pronunciation, and writing skills. Students will also be exposed to texts written in Quechua for which they will prepare basic translations in English (and/or Spanish). Conducted in English and Quechua.

Course Prerequisite: QUEC 1002 or equivalent

Quechua 2002: Intermediate Quechua Language and Culture II

A continuation of Intermediate Quechua Language and Culture I. Focus is on developing students’ reading, writing, and speaking skills. Students are exposed to advanced texts written in Quechua for which they will prepare translations. Students will prepare Quechua writing/speaking portfolios. Conducted in English and Quechua. Knowledge of Spanish is useful but not required.

Course Prerequisite: QUEC 2001 or equivalent

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